PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 33 : Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 3:

“The Management of Power”


Friday, 25 Aug 2023. 07:00.

Mantram - 3.5 Q-3C The Apana, Prana and Samana Assistants



Mantram - 3.5 Q-3C The Apana, Prana and Samana Assistants

Paayu upasthe apaanam; = i) APANA dwells in the anus and genitals;

chakshuh shrotre mukha =  ii) In the eyes, the ears, the mouth 

naasikaabhyaam, =   and in the nostrils,

praanah swayam pratishthate; =   the PRANA itself operates;

madhye tu samaanah eshah, =  iii) The SAMANA, lying in the middle of these,

hi etat hutam annam = is responsible for swallowing the food,

samam nayati; =  and distributing the nutrients equally.

tasmaat etaah = As a result of the above functions,

saptah-archishah bhavanti. = the “Seven Flames” are fed.


The first three sub-Pranas are delegated their responsibilities in this verse. Each Upa Prana is told in precise terms what his function is to be and where he is to reside!

i) Apana: 

5 This handles the downward function, that which has to be pulled down 

and eliminated. Excretion and generation are its main functions. It resides in the pelvic region.

ii) Prana: 

6 This handles the upward functions covering the part from the chest upwards. This Prana resides in the head. The main organs of knowledge are located in the head. The eye is its headquarters.

iii) Samana: 

7 Digestion and distribution are the main function of this aspect of Prana. Its nature is to produce fire. The seat of this Prana is the stomach and  abdominal region. 

The Seven Flames stand for the seven holes in the head: the 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils and the mouth. These are the organs of knowledge. When the Pranas are functioning well, these seven flames are all lit up and bright. One can see the glow on a healthy person’s face. The opposite is true of an unhealthy person; his ‘dullness’ is known only too well by doctors!

The “seven flames” are known as such because through each of the seven holes, one may imagine a ‘flame’ shooting out by which its particular function is performed. These flames can perform only the function which they have been delegated to perform:

a. The ‘flame’ from the eyes can only recognize form;

b. those from the ears can only recognize sound;

c. those from the nostrils can only recognize smell;

d. the flames from the ‘fiery tongue’ can recognize taste, and utter words, at times very ‘fiery’ words!

In a government, a successful minister is one who carries out his orders well. So too, these secondary or Upa-Pranas execute their respective orders to perfection, and thereby contribute to the general welfare enjoyed by the whole body.



Mantram - 3.6 Q-3C The Vyana Assistant

To be continued



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