Lessons on the Upanishads -2.5: Swami Krishnananda.


Monday 05, Aug 2024. 06:30.
Chapter 2: The Problem in Understanding the Upanishads - 5.


There is a philosophical meaning behind this request of Nachiketas, to which we shall refer after some time. Now I am telling only the story behind it.

The great master said, “Granted, this boon! When you go back to the world you shall be treated with friendliness, affectionately and endearingly, by everyone. Ask for the second boon.”

The second boon is something more difficult to understand, and many of you will not be able to make much sense of what it is.

“I have heard, great Master,” said the little boy, “there is something called Vaishvanara Agni, the all-pervading fire of the cosmos, by knowing which one knows all things. May I be initiated into this wisdom.”

“Yes. Granted!” replied Lord Yama.

All the requisite rituals were performed instantaneously, and the boy Nachiketas was initiated into the secret of cosmic knowledge, omniscience, which follows automatically from meditation according to this technique of what is known as contemplation on the Vaishvanara Agni. This subject also we shall not touch deeply now.

“Ask for the third boon,” said the Lord of Death.

Here the boy threw something like a bombshell on the great master, which the master perhaps did not expect.

“Some say after departure, the soul 'is', and some say after departure the soul 'is not'. I want to know what this mystery is,” said Nachiketas.

“No, this question you should not ask! I did not know that you would raise questions of this kind. Ask for something else, something better than this,” replied Lord Yama.

“Better than this? I don't consider anything as better than this,” said the boy.

“No. I shall make you a king of the whole world, for as long a time as the world lasts. Are you happy? All the wealth of the world will be yours, the joys of heaven—not merely of this earth only—I grant just now. All the music and the dance, the gold and the silver, authority and kingship and rulership, here it is. Take it, but don't put this question,” said Lord Yama.

“What is the matter?” asked Nachiketas. “You are prepared to give me the whole earth and heaven and all its joys for as long a time as the world lasts, but you will not answer this question.”

“No,” replied Lord Yama. “I made a mistake in allowing you to unconditionally ask for three boons. I did not know that you would harass me like this with the third boon.”

“No, Master; I have only one question. This must be answered,” said the boy.

“Not even the gods can answer this question; even they are in doubt. How will you understand?” said the Lord of Death.

“Even the gods cannot understand? That means you understand!” replied Nachiketas. “I am face to face with a great master like you who knows the secret. Will I return foolhardy by obtaining the boon of the joys of the earth and the heaven, which are perishable? Today they are, tomorrow they are not. They wear out the senses. How can anyone enjoy the joys of earth or heaven unless the sense organs are strong? How long will the sense organs work? They become old and decrepit, and die. Who will enjoy the joys of earth and heaven; and, how long will they last? Even the longest life—you told me I can live long, as long as the world lasts —but the world will last how long? One day it will end. When that ends, the longest life becomes short. Api sarvam jivitam alpam eva (Katha 1.1.26). Take all your joys back, Master. All the earth and the heaven and the dance, music, gold, silver, you take back. Answer my question.”

Then the Upanishad goes into the great initiation which the master imparted to the boy Nachiketas, which is a subject by itself.





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