TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 62. Rishi Yajnavalkya.


Monday  12, Aug 2024, 06:20.
Taittiriya Upanishad
PART 2: 9 No. Anuvakas (Chapters)
Post - 62.


Anuvaka 2.3 : From Pranamaya to Manomaya 
The Essence of the Upanishads:


“Satyam, Jnaanam, Anantam, Brahman” 
Bhashya A: 
“On the Nature of BRAHMAN” 


Bhashya B: 
“The Differentiation of the Five Sheaths” 
Coverage:  From 2.1.4 – 2.6.2 (crosses 5 Anuvakas) 
Mantram -  2.3.1:Shruti Quotation on Prana 


Anuvaka 2.3 : From Pranamaya to Manomaya 
Mantram -  2.3.1:Shruti Quotation on Prana 


“praanam devaah anu praananti; = “The Gods (senses) live on the vital force, 

manushyaah pashavah cha ye. = And so do men and the animal kingdom. 

praanah hi bhootaanaam aayuh; =  Prana is the very life of (all) beings; 

tasmaat sarvaayusham uchyate. =  Thus, it is called the ‘Universal Life-Principle’. 

sarvam eva te aayuh yanti; =  They attain the full span of life, 

ye praanam brahma upaasate. = Who worship the vital force as Brahman. 

praanah hi bhootaanaam aayuh; = Prana is the very life of (all) beings; 

tasmaat sarvaayusham uchyata,” iti. = Thus, it is called the ‘Universal Life-Principle’. 



 The five organs of knowledge as well as the five organs of action – each of these 

ten has a Deity who is in charge of their functioning. The Deities are the Pranamaya Kosha. 

They get their energy from Prana. That is the fuel they burn to make the senses work.  

Some take the Pranamaya Kosha to mean not only the Deities but the sense organs 

themselves. However, the physical sense organs can better be considered as part of the 

Annamaya Kosha. Hence, taking only the Deities as the Pranamaya is good enough. They are 

the ‘sentient’ part of the senses. 


 (Repeated in 4) Prana is universal energy. Just as the petrol used to fuel any 

vehicle is one (only their brands may differ), so too, Life is One. All forms of life share the 

same Life-giving force, Prana. Prana and the senses are a manifestation of subtle Rajas 

Guna, in the same way as mind and intellect are manifestations of subtle Sattwa Guna. 


 As before, an Upasana is taught at the level of the Pranamaya. The Prana is 

worshipped as Brahman. As far as the Pranamaya Kosha is concerned, Prana is God, and has 

to be respected as such. Only then do we deserve to ‘cross’ it and go beyond to the next 

level in our search for Brahman. Brahman is the overall aim of this whole exercise.  



Mantram - 2.3.2: Pranamaya Kosha as “Inner Self” of Annamaya Kosha 




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