Mundakopanishad : Santi Mantram ( Peace Invocation ) -5.

Mundaka-Upanishad :

Santi Mantram :

Discussion-2. similarity with Sri Iyer  ......  

 Just  as  Sri Gopala Iyer  becomes  a  policeman  by  a  process  of  self-Invocation,  and  thereafter  the  policeman  forgets  to  act  or  live  the  weaknesses  and  limitations  of  Gopala Iyer   ---  the  father  and  the  husband;  so  too  we  can,  through  prayer,  invoke  the  Divine  in  us  and  come  to  transcend  our  own  today's  personality  and  its  defects  and  limitations.

Prayer  is  the  technique  by  which  we  tune  ourselves  to  the  highest  perfection  and  thereby  come  to  invoke  in  ourselves  a  greater  perfection  of  both  the  mind  and  the  intellect ( buddhi ).

"To  pray  is  to  be  seated  with  the  Lord's  at  His  feet.

 To  pray  is  to  aim  at  the  target  of  God-Head  with  the  arrow  of  intense  longing,  which  has  the  sharp  end  of  full  faith.

 To  pray  is  again,  to  receive  consolation  and  inspiration  as  a  disciple  at  the  hands  of  the  Teacher."

In  prayer  are  included  praise,  love,  adoration  and  holiness.

To be continued  ....

Next : Discussion-2. Just  before  the  study  of  Upanishads  .....


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