KATHA UPANISHAD - 32. Swami Advayananda.

Chinmaya Mission 

Chinmaya Haridwar, Portland hosted the 6th National Parenting Retreat under the guidance of Shri Vivek. The retreat, titled "Vision of Growth," focused on exploring the topic of happy living through Guruji's Jivanasutrani - Tips for Happy Living.

Shri Vivek expounded on the idea that once a person becomes a parent, they remain a parent forever. He highlighted how parenthood presents perpetual opportunities for personal growth, akin to the practice of Yoga.

A total of 70 adults and 35 children from various parts of the United States and Canada attended the camp. They participated in age-appropriate programs and engaging family activities. The campers enjoyed sessions on Yoga, meditation, bhajans, and even played soccer in the park. In addition, there were movie nights interspersed with parenting workshops. High school students assisted the CHYK Sevak and Sevikas in running parallel workshop sessions for elementary and middle school campers. The campers were treated to delicious meals throughout the camp, courtesy of CM Portland's Shadras kitchen.

The camp also provided the opportunity for 16 vatus to undergo the Upanayana Samskara under the guidance of Vivekji. Volunteers dedicated practice sessions to help the vatus become familiar with the Sandhyavandana vidhi, empowering them to continue practicing on their own after the camp concludes.

During the camp, the youth of CM Portland organized the annual CORD walk, emphasizing the importance of Daana (charity) for a higher cause. The walk successfully raised $12,000 for CORD's Women Empowerment projects.

The camp concluded with valuable takeaways for parents of all ages and plans to reconvene for the next Parenting camp in the future.


Friday, 14 Jul 2023 06:30.

Chapter 1. Section - 2: (25 Mantras): THE CHOICE:

(“A Leap Into the Beyond”):  Bhashyam by Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya ji.





Mantram - 1.2.3: Yama Praises Nachiketas’s Discrimination



Mantram - 1.2.3: Yama Praises Nachiketas’s Discrimination

Sah tvam priyaan priya-  =  Such is your stern spirit that the pleasant

roopaan cha kaamaan  =  in appearance and objects considered as desirable,

abhi-dhyaayan nachiketah  =  after examining their true merits, O Nachiketas, 

atya-sraaksheeh;  =   you have renounced them.

na etaam srinkaam  =  Considering them as mere chains, you have refused

vittamayeem avaaptah  =   to accept this ‘royal road of wealth’

yasyaam majjanti   = on which get trapped and drowned

bahavah manushyaah.  =   the majority of mortal men. 


Overall Importance of This Mantram:

This is the verse wherein we truly find Nachiketas’s heart and which crystallizes what 

the Nachiketas spirit is all about. In a world where few would appreciate heroes like this 

young lad for his brave spirit of renunciation, this verse is a strong reminder to us to take a 

leaf from his book – preferably the one containing this mantram!

The praise comes from none other than the Lord of Death himself. He knows what is 

going on in this world better than anyone. It is his duty to take people away from Earth back 

to where they really belong. He would love to take them to high places, but then very few 

qualify for that. When an exceptional being like Nachiketas comes along, he almost gets 

treated as a rare species. This verse from Yama pays tribute to such a rare, noble soul.

The “Nachiketas Spirit”:


Yama may well be saying, “Nachiketas, I showed you all the glitter there exists. 

You weighed their worth, and then simply renounced them. Most people would have 

grabbed what I offered and then asked for more such boons! But you were bold and strong 

enough morally not to yield to those temptations. I am proud of you, my boy, truly I am!”


Nachiketas rejected all wealth and pleasure on the grounds that he knew what 

they were. What does it mean to know something? Does it mean experiencing them? No, it 

cannot mean that – there are far too many things in the world to know them by experience. 

Knowing a thing means knowing its limitations. The moment we know the limitations of a thing, we truly know it. We may experience a thing blindly many times and yet not know it in essence. In fact, most people repeatedly enjoy the same sensual pleasure, due to 

addiction to it but have no idea of what it truly is. They still do not know it.



Mantram - 1.2.4: Vidya & Avidya - Sreyas & Preyas

To be continued



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