PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 30. : Rishi Pippalada.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 3:

“The Management of Power”


Tuesday, 18 Jul 2023. 07:30.

Mantram - 3.2 “It’s a Transcendental Question!”



Mantram - 3.2 “It’s a Transcendental Question!”

Tasmai sa ha uvaacha: = To him the Master (Pippalada) replied:

ati-prashnaan pricchhasi. =  You have asked a transcendental question!

Brahma-nishtah aseeti, = However, as you are an earnest seeker of God

tasmaat te aham braveemi. = for that reason I shall explain it to you.



The Guru is pleased with the questions, and congratulates the questioner. He is 

willing to answer them, seeing the sincerity in his question. The Guru seems to have a soft 

corner for this student, for he has not praised the other two like this, nor given them the 

freedom to ask so much at once. Anyway, he is happy to see their interest.

The praise by the Teacher could be interpreted as his satisfaction in seeing the 

subject matter being advanced to a higher level. The teacher is glad that attention is shifting 

from the mundane and the gross to something more abstract and subtle. This is a good sign. 

Spirituality deals with that which is completely beyond the senses and even beyond the 

mind. We still have a long way to get there, but here is a welcome trend among the 




Mantram - 3.3 : Basic Questions About Prana

To be continued



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