TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD – 31. Rishi Yajnavalkya.

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)

Guru Purnima celebrations abound at CIF 🪔

The auspicious day began with an offering of havan followed by a reverential puja to Sri Veda Vyasa, Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda and the entire Guruparampara.

The CIF family as well as devotees from near and far came together at the Adi Sankara Nilayam to express their gratitude and love. 

The havan and shodashopachara puja were led beautifully by Swami Sharadanandaji, and concluded with the chanting of Sri Veda Vyasa and Pujya Gurudev’s ashtothara shastanamavali. 

The festivities continued in the evening with the lighting of 1008 lamps, the Chuttuvilakku, at the Chinmaya Svayambhu Ayyappa Temple, to symbolize the Guru's wisdom that dispels all ignorance.


Tuesday, 04 Jul,  2023. 06:25.







Mantram - 1.9.2: Obligatory Duties :

agnayah cha swaadhyaaya pravachane cha;   =  Domestic and spiritual “fires”;

agnihotram cha swaadhyaaya pravachane cha;   =  Observance of daily fire sacrifice;

atithayah cha swaadhyaaya pravachane cha;   =  The caring of guests;

maanusham cha swaadhyaaya pravachane cha;   =  Good, worthy social conduct;


Lines 6-9 concern mainly Grihastha Ashrama, i.e. householders. 

The householder has to see that his domestic ‘fire’ is kept burning, i.e. his household 

runs well and is able to provide for all persons and guests. The spiritual ‘fires’ also have to 

be kept burning as they are obligatory on the householder to fulfil his part, the Yajna, in the 

Cosmic Wheel of Action.

No one is exempt from the common courtesy to be extended to one’s guests and

from decent conduct worthy of being a good human being. It is passages like these which 

have brought about a very high standard among the households in India. Hospitality in 

Indian households is proverbial; it is a trait that is seen throughout India



Mantram - 1.9.3: Perpetuation of Culture

To be continued



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