PRASHNA UPANISHAD - 31 : Rishi Pippalada.

Chinmaya Mission

High schoolers from CORD USA had a transformative experience during their immersive journey to Sidhbari. For a few weeks, they delved into the profound essence of the CORD movement and its impactful activities. One entire day was devoted to organic farming, where they harnessed the power of natural resources. This unique opportunity fostered a deeper understanding of sustainable practices, instilling a sense of responsibility towards the environment. The enriching exposure to CORD's initiatives left an indelible mark on these young minds, empowering them to become advocates of positive change and embrace a more conscious and compassionate way of life.


#6 Questions, 67 Mantras : “Questions from Disciples Answered”


Query No 3:

“The Management of Power”


Monday, 31 Jul 2023. 07:15.

Mantram - 3.3 : Basic Questions About Prana



Mantram - 3.3 : Basic Questions About Prana

Aatmana eshah praanah jaayate. =  This Prana is born of the Atman (Self).

Yatha eshaa purushe cchhaayaa,  =  As a man’s SHADOW is born of him only,

etasmin etat aatatam.  =   so is this (Prana) born of that (the Self)

Manah kritenaa  =  By the action of the mind,

aayaati asmin shareere  =   it enters into this body.


3.3.1 Question 3A: From whom does this Prana take its birth?


 Is the Atman affected in any way by bringing forth or “giving birth” to Prana, as a 

mother is by bringing into the world a child, or gold is by being beaten into an ornament? 

No. The Atman or Pure Consciousness is not affected in this manner. So, philosophically 

speaking, it would be incorrect to say ‘born out of’.

To show that the birth of the Prana does not in any way affect the Atman, the sage 

chooses an appropriate simile that explains the nature of the Atman-Prana relationship. 

Appropriateness of the “Shadow” Simile


 Chhaayaa: It is like a shadow. Just as a shadow does not affect its cause in any 

way, so also the Prana does not affect the Atman in any way.

Instead of ‘shadow’, what would happen if the sage used ‘reflection’ to denote the 

relationship? There would have been a subtle difference. A shadow has no substance in it at 

all. It is completely a non-entity. A reflection at least has the same light rays as the original, 

which means it still has some reality in it.

Here are 5 reasons why the shadow simile is so appropriate in this case:

i) A shadow always accompanies that which produces it. It never separates from it.

ii) It is also totally dependent on it for its existence.

iii) There is a similarity in appearance between the original and the shadow.

iv) The shadow has no real existence; it only appears to move about as the original 

body moves. In itself it has no substance at all.

v) Prana, being the shadow, cannot enjoy the same level of Reality as the Atman. The 

two are definitely in different realms of Reality. This is how the Atman/Prana relationship is. 

In contrast, when a mother gives birth to a child, both are in the same degree of Reality. 

3.3.2 Question 3B: How does Prana come to Abide in this Body?

Some other factor is required to produce the shadow or reflection, such as a 

source of light or a mirror. In pitch darkness there can be no shadow. What is that factor? 

This is the searching part of the question which was appreciated as “touching the 

transcendental realm”.

The teacher decides that the explanation is premature. Without going into details at 

this stage, he says that it is the mind which makes the Prana identify itself with a particular 

body only, and no other. This restriction in its identity is produced at the junction of Atman 

with the mind. The sage does not take up the question any further at this point.

[As students of the Course, however, we can refer to the Atma Bodha (Mantram - 25) 

where Sri Shankaracharyaji attempts the explanation in a single verse. The reason given 

there is “the indiscriminate blending of Consciousness and mind”.]



Mantram - 3.4 Q-3C How is Power Delegated –Overview

To be continued



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