MUNDAKOPANISHAD : CHAPTER-3. SECTION-1. MANTRAM-2. { Annihilation of sorrow through God realization }

Rishikesh Temple




MANTRAM-2. { Annihilation  of  sorrow  through  God  realization }

Discussion-2. "Delusions......"

The  crawling  form,  the  shiny  skin,  the  horrid  patches,  the  terrible  hood,  the  deadly  fangs  all  belong  to  the  delusory  'Snake'  and  not  to  the  'Rope' which  is  the  'Reality' behind  it.

The  one  who  in  his  'Delusion'  has  come  to  be  threatened  by  the  disturbibg  aspects  of  the  'Snake'  has  only  to  seek  and  discover  the  'Rope' behind  it;

the  "vision  of  the  'Rope' "   means  the  total  cessation  of  the  "vision  of  the  'Snake' "  and  the  total  regaining  of  his  own  permanent  state  of  normalcy.

Similarly,  the  various  false  values;  wrong  notions,  attachments,  lust,  greed,  passions,  fears,  and  despairs  are  all  for  the  jiva,  because,  it  has  started   dreaming  of  the  reality  body, mind,  and  intellect!!

These  have  a  seeming  reality  and  a  terrible  aspect  to  tyranize  over  so  long  as  the  ego  seeks  not  and,  therefore,  fails  to  discover  the  True  and  Real,  which  is  eternally  there  behind  itself.  
Hence,  the  'Scripture  says' : " When  he  sees  the  other,  the  Lord,  and  realizes  His  glory,  he  becomes  free  from  dejection."

Discussion on Mantram-2. ENDS.

Next : Mantram-3. { Annihilation  of  sorrow  through  God  realization } continued  ...

To be continued


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