Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2, Section-1, Mantram-6 & 7. { Rituals and means to perform them are also born from the imperishable. }

Mundakopanishad :



Mantram-6 & 7.  { Rituals  and  means  to  perform  them  are  also  born  from  the  imperishable. }


Tasmac-ca  deva  bahudha  samprasutah

sadhya  manusyah  pasavo  vayamsi,

prana-panau  vrihiyabau  tapas-ca

sraddha  satyam  brahma-caryam  vidhis-ca.

tasmat  =  from  Him;

ca  =  and;

devah  =  the  Gods;

bahudha  =  of  various  orders  ( e.g.  Vasu-s,  Rudra-s,  etc );

samprasutah  =  are  born;

sadhyah  =  the  celestial;

manushyah  =  the  human  beings;

pasavah  =  the  cattle,  beasts;

vayamsi  =  the  birds;

prana-apanau  =  the  in-breaths  and  out-breaths;

vrihiyavau  =  the  corn  and  barley;

tapah  =  the  ( concentrated )  thought,  austerities;

ca  =  and;

sraddha  =  the  devotion;

satyam  the  Truth;

brahma-caryam  =  self-control;

vidhih  =  values  of  life;

ca  =  and;

( samprasutah  =  were  born).

"From  Him  also  the  Gods  of  various  orders,  the  celestial,  the  human,  the  beasts  ( cattle ),  the  birds,  the  in-breaths  and  out-breaths,  the  corn  and  barley,  thought,  devotion,  truth,  self-control,  and  values  of  life  ( were  born )."

Next : Discussion-1. "how  from  the  subtler,  grosser  things  evolving ..........."

To be continued  ....


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