Mundakopanishad : CHAPTER-2. SECTION-2. MANTRAM-s. 3. { Methods of penetrating Brahmam } & 4. { The analogy of penetration }.

Mundakopanishad :



Mantram-s. 3.{ Methods  of  penetrating  Brahmam } & 4. { The  analogy  of  penetration }

Discussion -7. "A prepared  mind  takes  to  meditation  as  duck  to  water" ......

In  meditation,  the  more  the  mind  is  steady  and  not  deflected,  the  surer  it  will  reach  its  goal.

That  trembling  og  the  mind  before  its  flight  is  mainly  caused  its  attachments  with  a  host  of  sense-objects  in  the  outer  world  and  also  because  of  its  own  vanities  and  thoughtless  wrong  identifications.

Renouncing  and  rejecting  them  all  through  the  process  of  discriminative   analysis,  the  seeker  makes  his  mind  steady  and  single  pointed.

Such  a  prepared  mind  takes  to  meditation  as  duck  to  water.

Discussions  END.

Next : Mantram-5.

To be continued  ....


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